29 September 2008

Culture in Danger

As I read these pages about cultural studies I could not escape the thoughts of how relevant this idea is in our current world. Our culture is in danger and seems to be moving in the wrong direction.
From Gramsci, Hall took the notion that political rule is only rarely, as in times of deep social crisis, the result of physical coercion by the state. Rather political is more typically negotiated between the rulers and the ruled in the arena of civil society, where social groups and class fractions struggle for political and moral leadership in education, religion, the mass media, and so on.(75) If we take the time to examine, or study, the culture of our recent history we can see a total breakdown, a lapse, in our collective society. We are in the midst of a great social crisis, one that has been thrust upon us through politics under the falsehood of faith and fear.
There is no struggle for political or moral leadership in our education system. Take for example, the demand for schools to teach abstinence only sex education. Sure, they don't to teach it, but unless they do they will be refused government funding. The hand of the government dropped the constitution in order to clutch a bible. Schools are now on the verge of clouding young minds with the demand to teach creationism over evolution. How can this happen? Isn't that what church is for? As Williams notes, while the effort "to define a clearer subject, to establish a discipline, to bring order to the work" are "laudable ambitions," there is the danger of forgetting or losing touch with the original point of the project, namely that "people's questions are not answered by the existing distribution of the educational curriculum([160]79).
What will those who come after us see of our mass media? Will they see a culture of free thinking and openness of ideas? No, they will see that our culture was a giant mess with a foundation built on a giant list of what the government said we could not say or do. There are all of the words that are not allowed to be spoken on the television or radio, or printed on the public pages. Say them or write them and what happens? Well, no one really knows because everyone is to afraid to go ahead and say them. Culture has given up the struggle, and a nipple exposed is a national crisis. Richard Miller notes that "forms of culture are taken up and revised by the people living in it"(83). I ask are we, as those living in our culture, revising with censorship in tact? I feel that we are because it has become so ingrained in our way of thinking that we are unable to move beyond it. People see their own nipples everyday, and here the word shit about as often. Just don't let it slip into our mass media or we all will probably die from it.

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