When I was in high school there was all of this talk about this great idea the teachers were talking about, writing across the curriculum. There was a problem though, all they did was talk about it, and none of them actually initialized it. That was all the way back in 1994...before Elvis hit it big!
I know that this essay was written in 1998, but I assumed that it would be about a greater advancement of this process. Instead, it seems as though it never took root in the first place. WAC is not just an idea. It is not an ideology or theory about the style, method or approach in which we as individuals feel is the best way to go about teaching writing to students.
Was it wrong for me to make the assumption that the right thing to do would have just eventually taken hold and been implemented at least slowly? Fourteen years later it is still a good idea. It's pulse has even been questioned. I don't see why this has not happened. Especially the form of a non-graded "assignment."
I know what you are thinking, "Shut up, you are not a teacher and you don't know how hard it would be to get Math teachers on the bandwagon, you always wear a stupid white shirt...etc." It just blows my mind that it has not become a normal part of the K-12 education system. It is only writing, and even if graded writing, I wish that my teachers would have made me do more of it. I am the product of T/F and multiple choice tests, and I even had a few as and undergrad at IUPUI in freshmen Lit classes. I will throw stones in my glass house, I like breakin' stuff.
If we cannot convince the "educators" that encouraging students to do more writing, which will only help THEM in the long run, and do the teacher no harm by having no more grading then I have the only other possible solution. Promote more bathroom graffiti. Some of the most profound insights I have ever seen have been on the walls of bathrooms, sometimes even public bathrooms. If ungraded, important and otherwise harmless tactics to get them write haven't worked by now, or at least caught on, start scrutinizing what they are writing already.
My oldest child starts kindergarten next year, what to do, what to do? Well, I guess we will do our writing at home. Well, that isn't so bad I guess, at least I can mess her writing up as well as mine!
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